Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thorson's 10th Annual JRFH/HFH Event = Huge Success!

2013 Thorson Elementary JRFH/HFH Wrap-up
Thorson students did an OUTSTANDING job participating in this year's Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart event! 
It was so much fun! Glow in the Dark shooting, hula hooping, and jump roping continues to be a big hit with Thorson students, along with all the other great basketball and jump rope activities! 
20130307_120828.jpgA very special thank you goes out to Melissa Stowers, Michelle Pries, Stacy Mose, Kristen Hurt, and John Winter, as well as the CHS Varsity Basketball teams and ALL the fabulous parent and student volunteers who came to help out! Thank you so much for helping to make this a great event for our students! 
During this year's JRFH/HFH event, Thorson recognized and honored six students and younger siblings who have already had to deal with heart health issues/surgeries and stroke issues in their short lives. These families and all the other loved ones that we jumped in honor and in memory of are a big part of why it is so important to share JRFH/HFH at our school. Students learn some fun facts about their heart, how it functions, and why it is so important to be active, get enough sleep, and eat healthy. Upper elementary students learn about risk factors for heart disease and what can be done to prevent the factors they can control. They also use pedometers and heart rate monitors to help understand the connections between physical activity and heart health, and to learn more about resting and target heart rates.
This year Thorson students and families raised $12,457.50 for American Heart Association! Truly awesome and beyond words! Jack Z., Kale K., and Maddie M. were the top three fundraiser for Thorson this year, and will have the opportunity to attend the Milwaukee Bucks game on March 24th as well as participate in the pre-game festivities. Congratulations, Jack, Kale, and Maddie! Mrs. Gibson, Thorson Elementary Principal, and I will soon be dressing up like the AHA Super Hero Duck to congratulate the students for their efforts!
After ten years of participating in Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart, Thorson Elementary School has raised over $115,000 for American Heart Association! 

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